Supporting our Soldiers

My Dad was in the Royal Scots Greys during conscription and I have always tried to fundraise and use my singing as a way to raise money for soldier’s charities including the Help for Heroes. I had the opportunity to meet with Sid West a Veteran from the area and discuss the difficulty that he and other Veterans are having in regards to their pensions.

Sid is member of the action group Equality for Veterans Association (EFVA) and is determined to get equal rights for all ex-servicemen. Mr West has not received a singe penny in pension despite 17 years of loyal service. Servicemen now only have to work three years to be eligible for a pension but in the 1973 when Mr. West left the 9th Queens Royal Lancers he was required to fulfil his 22 year contract. As a result of leaving after 17 years he is unable to receive his pension. One of the major issues is that many veterans are in the same position as Mr. West, but they will never know as veterans are not directly told they are entitled to their pensions. Sid West is constantly campaigning and raising awareness of this issue through this petition.

For more information on the EFVA campaign visit: Sid is truly a lovely gentleman and still has his fighting spirit, he is inspirational and I found it moving meeting him and his wife. I will of course do all I can to support Sid and his campaign.