Lane Side Farm Objection Letter
As residents will know, I strongly oppose the development at Lane Side Farm in Churwell.
Alongside the local independents and residents, I have for many years objected to Labour’s high housing target and the poorly thought out developments that it has caused.
We must protect our green spaces as once lost, they cannot be regained. Residents can read my most recent statement on this matter, alongside my most recent letter to Tim Hill, the Chief Planning Officer at Leeds City Council.
Residents can only oppose reserved matters at this stage, making very important and serious concerns such as traffic congestion invalid at this point in the planning process.
In order to ensure residents are able to voice their opposition in a valid way that will be counted by Leeds City Council there is a standard letter being circulated amongst the community. You can read this below.
If you would like a copy of this letter to sign and send off, please contact me via: [email protected]
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