Wi-Fi in Morley

As part of her efforts to support local businesses and make Morley’s high street more vibrant, Andrea teamed up with Morley Town Council to set up a free Wi-Fi network along Queen Street which could be up and running within weeks.

Through a variety of ‘Morley’s Digital High Street’ meetings, Andrea has been holding regular meetings with the Town Council and the Town Council Manager, using her experience as an ex-retailer, to develop projects to attract and keep customers on the High Street.

The main Wi-Fi equipment will be placed on top of the Town Hall, with shops and businesses having signal boosters.

Visitors and residents will be able to connect to the service the entire way along Queen Street, as well as on neighbouring roads.

However, the Wi-Fi is set to turn itself off in the late evening, to prevent congregation around shops late at night and to prevent inappropriate behaviour.

Commenting on the announcement, Andrea stated:

“I am delighted that Wi-Fi along the High Street is only a few weeks away.

“It has always been an ambition of mine to have Wi-Fi along our high street to give our businesses and shops a much-needed boost of increased customer flows, advertising as well as possible click and collect services.

“I am delighted we have been able to secure this project for Morley which will go a long way towards bringing fantastic business to our high street.

“As an MP that is passionate about business, I look forward to continue my work with local stakeholders to develop our high street for both our local businesses and our community as a whole.”