Potholes in Outwood and campaigning

We have been out and about the constituency campaigning and delivering my latest magazine.  Today four volunteers and I went to Outwood.  I do enjoy being out there campaigning and meeting local residents, it also allows you to get to the heart of local issues and pick up concerns along the way.

I was particularly concerned about the amount of potholes we encountered recently which do need addressing as some of there certainly are above the legal depth allowed.  I also have concerns and really feel for those who live in an area that has an un-adopted road.  The picture above shows the condition in which the residents live, one of which is an elderly lady who needs to drag her green bin to the bottom of the lane for the council to collect the refuse, it also proves to be a challenge for a young family who need to use their buggy.

We are out campaigning this weekend so look forward to meeting with more residents.