Morley & District Press: Campaigning to restore rail links

Improving transport is a key part of my plan locally and I am therefore pleased that a focus of the Government is to take action to improve regional rail links.

Readers may remember last week I wrote of a recent ‘Restoring Your Railway’ event I attended in Parliament where I raised with the Minister of State for Transport the need to improve commuter services in our area. The Government is pressing ahead with reversing the historic Beeching cuts and looking into the prospect of restoring train stations.

Residents may be aware that until 1964 there was a train station at East Ardsley, linking residents to Leeds, Wakefield, and even London. Following discussions with residents I am pleased to support the campaign to re-open East Ardsley station. To begin with, I am hosting the petition for residents to sign on the ‘campaigns’ section of the website – and I hope readers will consider signing it.

Additionally, I am filing paperwork with the Government to raise this local campaign with them as part of their investigation into where funding should be allocated for the reversal of these Beeching cuts. As the line already exists in this case, and there is local demand from residents, I hope that together we can put forward a solid case to help alleviate commuter pressure in our area.

I am also working to improve existing railway provisions for our area. Today (Friday 28th) I am hosting a train station surgery from 16:30-18:00 at Morley Station with local stakeholders, so commuters can speak directly with the organisations involved in local train services, and can raise concerns. I hope that in doing so we can find solutions to the issues we face, and with the help of the Government, improve transport for our area.

Improving transport will help to support our local economy. Last week I really enjoyed visiting a forced rhubarb farm, run by Brenda. This inter-generational family farm is still going strong and produces excellent local produce from within our famous rhubarb triangle. It was a privilege to see the time tested method that helps to put our area on the agricultural map, adding to our rich history.

Finally, I am holding my monthly memory café today in the Outwood Memorial Hall. From 12 noon till 2pm we will be enjoying some cups of tea, biscuits, bingo, and singing. The memory café will now always be held on the last Friday of each month and all are welcome. If you know someone with Alzheimer’s feel free to come along, share your story and relax in this warm and friendly environment.

As always, I encourage residents to contact me if they have any issues that I might be able to help with, I will always do my upmost to assist. Email me via: [email protected]