Letter to the Wakefield Express about Newton Hill

I wrote the following letter to the Wakefield Express about the proposed Fieldhead development in Newton Hill, it was published on the 12th of December.

I was pleased to see Wakefield Express covered the renewed fight of the Friends of Newton Hill to save the last greenbelt in WF1, grassroots activism from groups like this one is the best way to get the council to listen. I should also note that I am disappointed that Miller Homes has submitted a new application on the Fieldhead site, with only minor, cosmetic changes to their original application. 

The fact that the proposed access road still cuts through the greenbelt shows Miller have not listened to the views of residents and that they expect Wakefield’s Labour Council to rubber stamp their proposals. I will be raising this with planning ministers, as I did with their first application. I implore as many residents as possible to write to the council stating their opposition.

Andrea Jenkyns

Conservative Prospective Parliamentary Candidate for Morley and Outwood