BBC Sunday Politics
BBC Sunday Politics Show
Today I appeared on my first live show, and must say I thoroughly enjoyed it. I appeared with two other Prospective MP Candidates, so at least we were all in the same boat and we weren’t up against seasoned politicians for our first show.
Initially I waited tentatively not knowing what to expect, what questions were they going to ask me, but I have to say that all the team and presenters on the show were very supportive of each of us. They explained the procedure and helped us all to relax.
When the camera’s started rolling were were all in full swing and it was great to be able to put forward my views on the European Union. After al,l the Conservatives are the only party who are offering a referendum, both the other two party’s on the panel; Labour and the Liberal Democrats spoke of being in support of staying in the European Union. I on the other hand believe and trust the British people to make the decision for themselves. We need the information, we need an honest debate, we need to have a choice.
Other topics included discussing the coalition and I put forward my views on how I believe it is wrong that the two Labour-run councils in the constituency are increasing council tax by 1.9%, whilst Leeds City Council are proposing to increae council house rents by 6%. This is not the actions of a party who are truly there for the people and the cost of living; such decisions hit people hard.
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