Baroness Verma visits Morley

I was very proud to introduce Baroness Verma the Under Secretary of State for Climate Change to Morley Waste Traders. Who are a fine example of a local family business that has grown from strength to strength under the direction of Stan Whittaker.

They employ over 100 people and are continuing to expand and develop their business which has been operating locally for over forty years. They are also very innovative and forward thinking and have recently purchased a recycling operation in Hull.

We were greeted by the Managing Director Stan Whittaker, had a tour of the complex and a one to one with the Baroness to discuss business and the energy policies. I would like to thank both Baroness Verma and John Whittaker for their time and for an enjoyable and informative visit. I also had the opportunity of having a go in one of their cranes, these are not just for the boys!!