Andrea’s Party Conference Round Up 2019

What a fantastic Conservative Party Conference in Manchester!

It was a pleasure to speak to the University of Manchester Policy department about Mental Health in Education and the importance of early action.

I raised some of the good work Government, and local schools across Morley & Outwood have already done, & discussed how to keep improving services for those in need

It was great fun to speak to a packed house of the Free Market Conservatives group about standing up for Brexit- I’m looking forward to leaving the EU on October 31st!

I also spoke to the Adam Smith Institute’s ‘Say No to the Nanny State’ event.

The Conservatives way must be:

? Individual responsibility
? Freedom

It was such an exciting, energised and packed Conference that I can’t write it all here – rest assured I’m looking forward to delivering on the priorities of the people of Morley & Outwood!